#1 Mindfulness Myth Busted!

(5:16) Myth: When you meditate you should clear your mind of thoughts.

Myth busted: Ouch! This is not my experience at all. 11 years of practice later, I still think a lot when meditating!

If you’re alive, your heart will beat & your mind will think… Even when you’re meditating! Congratulations, you’re alive! This is great news! :)

So what does happen to our thoughts when we meditate?
We learn to have perspective on our thoughts. It’s called presence.

This perspective helps us stay grounded in reality vs getting lost in our thoughts.

How is that relaxing? When we have this perspective (vs getting lost in a single stream of thoughts) we have access to lots of ideas, information & input. We have options vs getting stuck in old thought patterns & outdated ideas. We have access to lots of ideas (& feelings & sensations, etc). We can see what makes the most sense vs just the first thing that popped in. We can be clear about what is actually going on, which makes for a much saner and calmer mind.

This is how the mind is ‘clear’. You’re not clear of thoughts, you’re clear in your thoughts.

Want help maintaining this clarity for yourself? Contact me for your private Skype sessions.