Two Great Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Falling asleep can be tough if we’re not able to slow down our minds and bodies. We spend all day going at hyper speed, as fast as we can, “really busy” as the norm. Is it any wonder that we have a hard time turning all that drive off and slowing down at night?
Slowing down so that we can rest starts 1 to 2 hours before bedtime… Put down all your stimulants: your phone, computer, notepad; and turn off your tv. If this is too hard at first, try a shorter amount of time like 10 minutes before bed and build up to longer times once that is easy.

Keep all of these stimulants out of you bed room or sleeping area! Let your bed be for sleeping, not being busy, even for entertainment or education. If that stuff is important, do it before bedtime.

Third, once you are ready for bed, get in and do a Progressive Relaxation Body Scan. Essentially notice each area of the body & relax the muscles there. Start at the top and work your way down. More details are in the video. This will help your mind slow down by focusing on your body vs your day and will relax your body by relaxing your muscles.

Let me know how it goes!

Sweet dreams!,