The Secret to Winning

Hauts de Nimes Training

I was watching an intense professional tennis match yesterday and I realized something… that if I give up then I lose.

Simple, right?

The two athletes were really well matched, both extraordinary players. Number 1 and number 5 in the world. And one of them started winning. Really started winning. It became pretty clear, score wise that he would win the match.

And the other player kept playing. He kept playing hard, going all out our for every shot, full tilt, putting everything he had into it.

And losing.
And going full bore.
And losing.
And dedicating his entire being.
And losing.
Putting all of his focus and intensity into it.
And losing.

Point after point after point, he went for it.
And point after point after point, he lost.
And still he was there 100%.

It was amazing. If he had given up at any point, I would not have faulted him. He was clearly losing. And yet he kept playing his best, point after lost point after lost point.

He was fully motivated internally regardless of what the score was, regardless of whether he was winning or losing. Even when he was sure to lose, he kept his determination to play his best.
And he did.

And I realized that, that was a lesson to take home. Just the day before I had given up in the middle of losing every point. And I realized that that was a pattern that I could break now.

I had learned the secret.
Don’t give up.

Even when I’m losing every point, keep giving everything I’ve got.
When I’m losing is not the time to change strategies, it is time to stay determined, to stick with what I know to be right for me, even when it isn’t working in the moment. Even when I am clearly losing the match.

He won the match in the end.
And I can win in the end.

In fact I will win in that moment, long before any end, because I will be my own safe harbor, my own rock, my own measure of success… my own judge of whether I gave up too soon or persevered.

Patience, determination and belief in myself.
Especially when things seem bad.
What a beautiful lesson.

Thanks, Nadal and Djokovic, you are amazing inspirations!,


2 thoughts on “The Secret to Winning

  1. Amen! Success is what we decide it is, and if it depends on external results it s not easy to be fulfilled, especially in tennis when as a player we lose many matches, no matter who we are!
    And I would also add that sometimes when we lose in match it s the time to change strategy, at the same time I guess your point was about not giving up and keep going, which is definitely what I’ve experienced as well.
    Thanks for sharing and offering this perspective, love it!

  2. Certainly one of the reasons why they are on top players!
    Thank you for reminding the “don’t give up”!!!!!! I love it!

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