De-mystifying Meditation

Many of us have the sense that there is something mysterious about meditation. We may have heard of enlightenment or levitation or other awe inspiring things and think that meditation must be hard to do if it means you will gain all of these things.

Because of this when I make meditation easy for people, sometimes they think, but this can’t be easy! How am I going to get all of these things if meditation is easy?

The secret here is that what is mysterious about meditation isn’t the practice itself, the mystery is you. The practice doesn’t have to be difficult! Practicing meditation can be easy! The mystery is YOU, not the practice.

So don’t make meditation, the practice of it, the techniques, the actual doing of it be difficult. Doing meditation can be easy.

You are a bit more mysterious. The mystery of meditation is getting to know yourself and discovering all that you are. This process can be fun, frustrating, joyful, painful, and all kinds of other things. It happens over time and unfolds uniquely to you.

Enjoy the journey. Enjoy making the practice simple and easy. Enjoy getting to know the mystery of you.