Is Your Happiness a Priority?

Are you noticing increased levels of anxiety and depression around you?

I’m sad to say I am. And since those are two common outcomes of modern stress, my first thought was, Oh my God, we’re getting more stressed. Really?!

But, actually I don’t think it’s that. I’m not even sure it’s possible for us to be more stressed, because that would require that we be even more busy, take on more, do more, etc. … and there’re only 24 hours in a day.

What makes more sense to me is that we’re seeing the cumulative effects of all of these years of stress we’ve been enduring. After 5, 10, 20 years of overtaxing our bodies, we’re seeing these results of constant biochemical overload: more anxiety and more depression.

So if that’s what’s happening, the question becomes, is it worth it? Is whatever you’re doing that’s creating this constant stress worth your health and happiness?

That’s a serious question to ask yourself. And it’s not so easy to answer with honesty. Most of us have too many conflicting desires that are as deep as power, control and survival. A few little things to deal with…

What if you do want to move in the direction of more health and happiness? Would it help to start small? What are the little, simple, easy things you can do right now? Today? What things are you willing to do every day? Can you take more breaks, or eat lunch everyday, or relax every day, or, or, or? Can you prioritize you?

It’s an important question to ask yourself. It’s even more important to realize that you make these decisions each day, everyday, all day. You’re constantly prioritizing your health and happiness. Or not. Anxiety and depression aside, stress isn’t a great companion if you want a long and healthy life. And happy? I’m sure happier when I can think straight versus running in circles with my stress reactions. Little steps, everyday help me a lot. Maybe they’ll help you, too.