How to Make Motivating Mindfulness Goals

(2:05) Most of us thrive when we have challenges to accomplish. Reaching our mindfulness goals is rewarding, not only because they encourage us to practice, also because we feel good about ourselves and it’s a great excuse to gift ourselves with something fun like our favorite desert or a new book.

How to make good goals?
First, make sure your goal is achievable with just a bit of stretch… Enough that it challenges you to do do your best and not so much that it is out of your reach. I suggest stretching into your “good day” practices… “On a good day I meditate for 5 minutes.” and challenging yourself to practice for 5 minutes until that becomes your new normal.

Second, track your progress on a calendar to see how well you’re accomplishing your goals & so you can begin to see patterns over time. “Every Monday I only did 4. Ah! That’s the day that I have to organize my lunches for the week… I wonder if I can make that easier so I feel I can do the whole 5 min?”

Third, decide on an end date, so you know when you’ve accomplished your goal! Then reward yourself when you get there!

Enjoy goal setting and accomplishing your them!
Happy practicing.