
Meditation Classes

Elena and two women meditating in Tadasana Pose

Private & Small Group Classes
Online & In-person
Beginner to Advanced

For details see Meditation Classes
Or contact me at Elena at

Free Guided Practices, E-Book & Resources

Guided Meditations

All practices are freely given for personal use. Do not use them for profit.

Here are all the guided meditation practices I’ve recorded on the blog. Many are mindfulness meditations.

And here are meditations for beginners, to discover what kind of practice works best for you. You’ll also see a few more advanced practices to play with as you progress.

Ten Tips for Enjoying Meditation

 A Beginners Guide to Creating and Sustaining a Wonder-Full Practice (free eBook)

A helpful, free e-book for beginners and those with questions about meditation, including many of the things I wish I knew when I first started out. (from 2015)



The Toothbrush Meditations

Power Tools for Relaxation (7 free, guided meditations)

Your humble bathroom is an awesome place to meditate. You’re in there every morning (consistency!), you’re alone (solitude!) and you’re preparing for your day (refreshing!). It’s a perfect place for regular, solo meditation practice. A great way to get clean & clear right from the start.

Meditation Research

Links to all things meditation.

An extensive list of resources I’ve gathered over the years to help answer all my meditation quandaries… and yours. 

Everything from fun videos, wide ranging definitions, and dry scientific research.