Mindfulness Made Easy Practice Group

Marathon Finish LineDear Fellow Meditators,
It ​is a ​true ​joy to share mindfulness and I hope that you are gaining a lot from your practice.
To support you in continuing your practice, I’m offering periodic one hour group practice sessions over Skype.
What are these group practice ​sessions?
In these sessions we will all meet, do a practice together (that you already know) and you can share what’s happening in your practice. This is a perfect time for sharing insights and asking any questions that have come up.This group is to support you to practice what you’ve learned, so I will not teach anything new.

They will be $200 HKD/session, payable at the beginning of the month for 1, 3 or 6 month packages. Discounts given for 3 and 6 month packages – to encourage you to practice!

How does this help you?
I ran the Standard Chartered Marathon two years ago with the help of a friend in Australia. Every Friday we exchanged emails about how far we’d run that week, any insights we’d had and any issues we’d run into. In these emails we gave and received companionship, advice, accountability and the encouragement to keep going! It was incredibly helpful as I train​ed​ a lot in order to run that race… and when I crossed the finish line, I thanked her for helping make that victory happen.

Why are practice groups important? The science says…
​S​tudies have shown that practicing habits with a group greatly increases our tendency to do them.
Why? Because groups provide support and accountability.
​They support us to grow and learn and encourage us to keep going. ​

They are wonderful ways to help ourselves instill and maintain habits.

Joining this group will help you practice regularly, giving you the most out of your investment.
Consider joining this group if you would like to have this support to continue your mindfulness practice.
Finally, there are other meditation groups that meet in person every week if you prefer to meet in person.
Happy Practicing!,