Want to Enjoy Mindfulness?

Think it’s boring or too tough to fit in regularly?

Here’s a fun way to play with mindfulness: simply bring all of your senses into really enjoying something you like to do.

Like walking your dog? Next time, play with noticing as much as you can on your walk….
What does your dog’s coat look like? The trees or buildings? What else can you see?
What can you smell? (What is your dog smelling?!)
What’s the temperature? Is there a breeze? Can you feel the sun or the chill in the air?
Is there a scent in the wind of the sea or grass or rain or wet pavment?
How many birds can you hear? Cars? What funny noises does your dog make as she’s sniffing around?

Bring all of your senses into whatever you like doing and let yourself be there more fully… You’ll enjoy it even more.

And how lovely that this is a great way to practice mindfulness!


2 Ways to Improve Depression & Anxiety

Many people suffer from depression or anxiety. Sometimes both.

Two ways to address these issues are physical exercise & mental practices.

By physical exercise I mean good old fashioned walking, running, swimming, tennis, volleyball, etc. Whatever you like to do is best.

By mental practices I mean things that focus your mind on creative, enjoyable or positive things. This could be anything from art to cooking if you love them. To be really sure that you’re focusing on positive things, it can be doubly helpful to engage in things that are designed to be theraputic, because they will have this bias built in. Art therapy, dance therapy, psychotherapy (depending on the therapist), etc.

Interestingly, meditation also helps for the mental focus aspect, because it has the natural outcome of letting your mind rest.

Why are these 2 things important? Because they change the chemical habits that you’ve gotten into. They offer natural a natural way for your mind & body to reset to happy versus sad.

Toothbrush Meditations!

Toothbrush Meditations Power Tools for Relaxation

Hi guys!,

I’ve been busy! I’ve just launched the Toothbrush Meditations… 10 second meditations that you can do whenever you’re feeling stressed. They help you relax instantly, while you’re being productive doing other things, you  do a 10 second meditation and Voila!

They are a meditations that I’ve been doing for years… I wanted techniques that I can do anywhere, anytime and these are what I came up with for myself.

About 6 months ago, I decided that they were too good to keep to myself, so I’ve put them in a format that we can all share!

Check them out at ToothbrushMeditations.com.

And please let me know what you think – on the page, the text, as well as the meditations themselves! Your feedback is very, very welcome! If you give me any feedback I’ll send you a free bonus meditation in thanks.

With Joy,