The Biggest Challenge Is Your Own Mind (Enlightenment Not Necessary!)

The biggest challenge to realizing that you’re more than your thoughts (as well as creating the new habit of thinking with more than your current limited set) – is NOT becoming enlightened, needing to sit in a cave, or clean yourself up. 

Nope. None of that is necessary. 

Actually, it’s your tricky mind that you need to work with. None of that other stuff is necessary. Whatever it is that you think you need to do, or be, or fix, or clean, or, or, or… Not necessary.


You’re already equipped with a larger consciousness than your mind. You’re born with it. It’s natural. Inherent. You came in that way. You’re that way right now, you’re just not paying attention to it, because you’re so busy paying attention to your more limited set of thoughts and feelings!

The biggest challenge I have with my tricky mind is that, like yours, it’s infinitely creative. How to stop paying attention to something so compelling?

That was the tough part for me.
Still is. To this day, I still practice focusing with my larger consciousness, because I’m still incredibly interested in what my (more limited) mind and feelings are telling me. I’m still creating the habit of presence, of awareness with daily practice. 

I look at regular meditation practice like brushing my teeth. It’s mental floss.

The good news is that we’ve already got the solution, the ability built in. The challenge is choosing to do it!