What is Processed Food?

And why should you care?

Processed food is food that’s been…. 

… wait for it….

… processed!

(Ok, ok, I know. But when else was I going to get to make that silly joke?)

Processed food is any edible matter that’s been changed from it’s original natural state and cooked or altered in some way.

For example taking a tomato off the vine (it’s natural state) and cooking it and turning it into tomato sauce.

Usually processed foods are marketed as a convience for you. The idea given is that it is faster and easier for you to buy that jar of sauce than to buy tomatoes and make it yourself.

Why care about this? And why do so many health conscious people tell you to “eat less processed foods” ?

Because when companies process these foods they often add things that are more for THEIR convenience than your health! The additives might be easier to store and less expensive to obtain, such as adding artificial tomato flavor and color and less actual tomato.

The problem with processed foods is that many of the ingredients are lower quality than you would use yourself in your food, such as low quality oils, starches instead of real potatoes, corn syrup to add flavor in place of fruits and vegetables, etc. Some of the additives aren’t even foods (!!!) like chemical preservatives, flavors and colors.

Suffice to say, making your own foods is often a much healthier than buying them ready-made. The time and money spent on natural ingredients is worth it when you consider how much MORE time consuming and expensive it is to be sick!

Even if I’m just breaking even, or spending more time and money on natural foods, feeling great is worth it!

Happy (Cooking and) Eating!

