Broken to Joy Series: Playing with Posture

(video) Posture can be an easy way to check in with yourself and begin to shift habits.

Notice what you do with your body when you are feeling strong emotions like anger, fear, sadness, etc versus when you are joyful, excited, happy and see physically what the differences are… Then start to notice how you hold yourself in general, even when you are not feeling any emotion very strongly.

Many of us hold ourselves in habitual postures of protection for instance, rounding our shoulders and shielding our chest.

What ever you do, as you notice you can begin to play with those postural habits, gently adjusting the body by taking a deep breath in allowing that to expand, straighten, relax or otherwise adjust to upright alignment.

This becomes a fun game.
How am I sitting, standing, lying right now? What will happen if I breathe into this?

What are your posture habits? What do you do to play with them?
