Is Mindfulness Helping You or Not?

(4:01) Why are you practicing mindfulness? Do you want to be less stressed, more focused or have better relationships? Maybe you want to sleep better?

And is mindfulness helping you with this? Are you getting better? How do you know?

Sometimes the answer to these questions are obvious, especially if we’ve been practicing mindfulness for a while and we can see lots of change over time. Sometimes it is less clear if our practice is helping or not.

If you aren’t sure, there are a few simple things that you can do… First, it helps to get clear about your motivation: why are you doing it? Get clear about what you want to improve.

Second, identify something about it that you can measure over time. For instance, if you want less stress, pick something that stresses you like every time you get a new project at work, and notice if your stress reduces over time. You can do something like give yourself a number from 1 to 10 each time it happens, write it down, and see if your number goes up or down overtime (from 1= not stressed to 10= really stressed) .

If you see positive change, you’ll be motivated to keep practicing! If not, then think about doing something different than mindfulness to address your issue or consider adjusting your mindfulness practice to suit you better. I specialize tailoring practices to suit individuals, so check other videos or email me for suggestions!

Happy Improving!

Can Tracking Your Mindfulness Practice Help You?

(5:51) Definitely!

Tracking is simply noting down the date each time you practice mindfulness & any metrics you want to focus on.

Do you want to measure how your practice is helping you? Tracking, or writing down your insights and benefits each day will let you see your progress overtime.

Do you want to create some visual motivation to do your practice? Nothing like a calendar with checkmarks on the wall to motivate you to add more!

Do you want to create extra accountability? Find a friend and send them a practice report each week or month, using your notes to keep track of what to tell them.

The uses are endless!

Enjoy your practice!