Pick a Regular Time and Place to Practice Mindfulness

(4:38) Here are two great tools for helping you create a regular mindfulness practice.

First, pick a habit that you already have and use that habit to remind you to practice.

For instance, I use my daily habit of getting out of bed to remind me to practice. You could use your daily meals or exercise or commute to remind you. These are called ‘practice pairs’ and eventually your existing habit will remind you to meditate… Every time you sit down to breakfast, put on your running shoes, or get in your car or on the train you will automatically remember to practice.

What do you do every day that you can pause just before or during & practice?

Second, how to do remember to pair the practice in the first place? How do you remember to practice when you get up? Create a visual reminder.

For example, I have a notebook next to my bed that I use to track my meditation practice and when I get up it’s the first thing I see. It is a visual reminder to pause there on my bed & practice. You could put a post it note on your wall or refridgerator, a beautiful, calm picture that reminds you to meditate, a string on your running shoes, a sticker on your keys, etc. Let these visual cues remind you of your practice pair!

What visual reminders can you create around your practice pair?

Enjoy your practice!