Re-igniting Your Mindfulness Practice

(2:46) Not practicing mindfulness these days? Here’s a quick way to get inspired again…

Grab a pen and a piece of paper and write down:

  1. Intentions: What are your intentions for your practice? Why do you want to do it? Remembering the reasons that you want to practice will help get you motivated again!
  2. Inspirations from the Past: Write down 3 things that you have gotten already from your practice. Think of 3 things that you have gained from practicing. This might be general like, “I’m more calm when I practice.” This might be specific like, “My colleague noticed that I was calmer during a meeting.” or “I was able to listen to my daughter complain with out getting upset at dinner one night.”
  3. Inspirations for the Future: Write down 3 things that you can do to inspire yourself to practice. Write down 3 things that will be fun, engaging or compelling. You might want to reward yourself with a trip to your favorite cafe after a weeks practice, decide to join a group to practice with, find some inspiring meditation videos to watch, or create a practice goal for yourself like being present for 5 full breaths.

Read what you’ve written and let your motivations, successes and ideas inspire you!

Happy practicing!