Awakening thru Yoga 1: Deep Core Alignment

Hello Beautiful Souls, I’m on a pilgrimage in Cathar Country, southern France for three months, and I’ve promised myself to post a yoga video every week while I’m here.

So here we go… a short practice to start us off… a single round of Sun Salutations focusing on lifting and aligning the body from arches to crown – from the inside – using gentle muscle contraction. This practice gives you a nice way to play with alignment on and off the mat. May it give you something new to play with throughout your day.

Note, you need basic familiarity with yoga in order to follow this practice. I’m assuming that you know how to do Sun Salutations already (downward dog, plank, cobra, etc.). Also, apologies for the need to turn your volume way up. I’ve got new sound equipment that worked better during the sound checks than the full recording. Heh. I’ve got some trouble shooting to do.

Happy My 51st Birthday!,
5 January, 2024
Quillan, France