Awakening Thru Yoga 3: Expanding Subtle Energies

We’re going to work with a more subtle awareness and bring our attention to the energies flowing through us.

Expansiveness and flow increase when we invite a higher volume of subtle energy into our bodies. Experience this subtle power in a simple round of Sun Salutations, awakening deeper to the energies that flow through you in every moment.

Awakening thru Yoga 1: Deep Core Alignment

Hello Beautiful Souls, I’m on a pilgrimage in Cathar Country, southern France for three months, and I’ve promised myself to post a yoga video every week while I’m here.

So here we go… a short practice to start us off… a single round of Sun Salutations focusing on lifting and aligning the body from arches to crown – from the inside – using gentle muscle contraction. This practice gives you a nice way to play with alignment on and off the mat. May it give you something new to play with throughout your day.

Note, you need basic familiarity with yoga in order to follow this practice. I’m assuming that you know how to do Sun Salutations already (downward dog, plank, cobra, etc.). Also, apologies for the need to turn your volume way up. I’ve got new sound equipment that worked better during the sound checks than the full recording. Heh. I’ve got some trouble shooting to do.

Happy My 51st Birthday!,
5 January, 2024
Quillan, France

Fun Shoulder Love

One thing that most of us don’t do enough of is move.

And if we do move, we don’t necessarily move those parts that are most effected by our modern, device using lifestyles… like our shoulders.

Why is movement important?

Many of the functions of our bodies depend on movement, some directly like the flow of lymph, which only moves when we move, and some indirectly like the flow of nutrients to cells which slows down in areas where the interstitial fluid becomes viscous… due to lack of movement.

*(If you want to get geeky, there’s an excerpt below from Anatomy Trains on how movement, nutrition, strain, etc. effect the facia, intercellular fluids and cellular nutrition.)

Basically, if we’re not moving all parts of our bodies regularly our bodies aren’t functioning optimally. The parts that aren’t moved will get tight, weak, constricted, congested and clogged.
And thus undernourished.
Not a pretty picture.

On the other hand, our bodies love to move! It feels great to stretch and wiggle and flex and sigh.

That great feeling is our bodies saying, “Thank you! I loved that!”

Movement helps the body open, decongest, strengthen and flow.
And nourish itself optimally.
Along with eating and watering (!!), resting, sleeping and exercising (to get all systems flowing), movement is crucial to your cellular wellbeing.

One area I don’t move and stretch as much as I could is my upper torso. I spend a lot of time on my computer with my shoulders slightly hunched forward, like right now as I write, and not as much time moving, opening and stretching.

If you feel the same, I encourage you to take a moment right now and stretch out wide, roll your shoulders, head and neck and let yourself sigh with pleasure.
I just did, and oh, is my body happier!

I’ve included in the video above an exercise I learned recently for moving the shoulders in their full range of motion. I really enjoyed playing with it because my body understood immediately though my brain was lost. I was moving my body in a new way, one that my mind didn’t follow, so was in kid-like wonder… “This is great! Can I do this with my other arm, too? Wait! What am I doing exactly?! I don’t know! How fun! Can I do both arms at once? How about in reverse?! Whee!”

Or if you’d rather do some more traditional stretches for upper torso, I highly recommend Andrey Lappa’s passive shoulder asanas. They are some of the most effective upper body stretches I’ve ever done.
Amazing constructions. Beautiful yoga.
Know that they are intense. Definitely warm-up well first!

Or just move instinctively! Right where you are! It’s easy to just stretch any way you like. And breathe. One of the best thing we can do is simply incorporate a bit of movement everyday for those parts that aren’t getting enough attention.
Check-in… where ever you feel tight, restricted and blah, get your wiggle on.

Your body will thank you.

Hope that Helps and Happy Moving!,

*Excerpt below from Anatomy Trains by Thomas W. Myers
(Bolding and items in [brackets] are mine. -EF):

“How easily the nutrients make it to the target cells is determined by:
1. the density of the fibrous matrix [the facia];
2. the viscosity of the ground substance [intercellular fluid].
If the fibers are too dense, or the ground substance too dehydrated and viscous, then these cells will be less thoroughly fed and watered. It is one basic intention of manual and movement interventions – quite aside from the educational value they may have – to open both of these elements to allow free flow of nutrients to, and waste products from, these cells. The condition of the fibers and ground substance is of course partially determined by genetic and nutritional factors, as well as exercise, but local areas can be subject to ‘clogging’ through either of these two mechanisms when excess strain, trauma, or insufficient movement has allowed such clogging to occur. Once the clog is dispersed, by what-ever means, the free flow of chemistry to and from the cells allows the cell to stop functioning on metabolism-only ‘survival’ mode to resume its specialized ‘social’ function, be that contraction, secretion, or conduction.
‘There is but one disease,’ says Paracelsus, ‘and its name is congestion.’ “

Shoulder Love, 10min Yoga Practice

(video: 10:06; I’ve added subtitles to compensate for the microphone.)

Shoulders up around your ears more often than you’d like? Do you frequently find yourself hunched forward over your computer? Painful? Sore? Stiff?

These poor posture habits can be changed with a little awareness.
This 10-minute yoga practice will bring your attention to your shoulders, soften and gently stretch them. Feels great and the focus on your shoulders is an awareness you can bring into your day to help you change your habits!

You can do this practice at different times for different goals: in the morning to start you say with this awareness, or midday as a wonderful rejuvenating pause, or at the end to gently wind down and release tension.

However you use it, let it help you bring awareness to how you’re sitting at your desk, standing and moving through life. With this growing awareness, you can choose to relax and relieve your shoulder muscles. Overtime, your shoulders will be where they’re serving you best: in a neutral, relaxed position, ready to move in any direction with ease and power!


Enjoying Where You Are

(video 4:13) Ever really wanted the future to come true because the present didn’t seem as shiny? I’m moving to a new country soon and boy would that be easy! I could focus on all of the things that are “better” there and really ferment dislike for all of the things that I don’t like here. It’s really tempting to think that change is for the better and therefore the present isn’t as good as the future will be…

And does that help you enjoy where you are right now? And if you stay in that mindset, does it help you enjoy the future when the future becomes right now, your present?

3 Minute Yoga: Back and Knee Flexibility

(video 2:45) We also worked on back and knee flexibility.

Here are a few quick yoga exercises that you can do to regain flexibility in your back and knees.

Here is how I see these exercises working best for your body: If you have back or knee issues, for each movement only bend or stretch as far as feels good. If you do these exercises with out straining yourself (stopping your bend or stretch BEFORE it hurts) you will allow your body (muscles and joints) to relax and loosen. You will find that as we repeat each exercise you will naturally be able to bend or stretch a tiny bit more each time, eventually regaining your natural flexibility in that area. Celebrate each centimeter of improved flexibility!

If instead you push your body into the pain zone as you do these movements, your muscles will tense up to protect your body. You will not relax or loosen, and you will not regain flexibility. You will remain stiff. At best you will keep your injuries in place and at worst you could injure yourself more.

Of course, you may not agree with me, and you are welcome to use these exercises in the way is best for you. Whatever you do, enjoy being bendy!


Sun Saltuation de L’ile de Re

(video 3:46min) And now for something different…

This summer, I had the pleasure of sharing yoga with several lovely humans new to it. Over the course of the week, we slowly built up to doing a Sun Salutation…  and here it is.

Note on breathing: There are many, many schools of thought in yoga on how to breathe. For me, the most important part is that you connect your breathing with your movements, meaning that you time your movements to your breath. Whether you’re breathing in or out during a certain movement isn’t as important as that the movement starts when your breath starts. As you begin to breathe in (or out) you begin a movement. Then as you begin to breathe out (or in) you begin the next movement.

Enjoy breathing as you move! :)