The Two Fundamental Things I Did to Get Out of My Head

When I was stuck in the “trap” of my mind, there were two things that got me out.

  1. Training my ability to focus my mind – which eventually leads to being able to focus on my “larger” mind (the rest of me).
  2. And training being aware of myself, or noticing that I’m (here in this body-mind) focusing – which naturally leads to an awareness of my “larger” self (the rest of me).

For example, I might practice focusing on my hand. And while I’m doing that, I also practice keeping in mind that I’m sitting here looking at my hand. Simple.

This two part practice will naturally reconnect you with the rest of you. You’re dropping your fixation on your thoughts and letting yourself become aware of the rest of you. It’s just a matter of time. And then you’ll need to keep practicing it to create the new habit of “larger” awareness (vs collapsing your attention back down into only your thoughts).

If it sounds esoteric or mysterious in any way, I apologise. It’s not. It’s just like remembering to use both hands to pick stuff up… You’ve got two of them… Why not use them both?