Here’s a Moving Mindfulness Practice

…that clears your energetic and lymphatic systems – both of which need an extra boost in winter!

What are moving mindfulness practices? They’re mindfulness practices that are a bit different from the sitting ones in that, instead of sitting to do them, you stand up and move! You can stand, walk, dance, kneel, bend, spin, jump, etc. The whole time, you’re doing your best to stay aware of yourself, just like a sitting practice.

Moving practices are great for those of us who prefer to move versus sit and are really fun to do in groups! I offer a weekly class that you can join to check it out.

Here’s a practice that you can play with at home. Enjoy the video and skip to the middle if you want to skip the intro and dive right into the practice.

If you like it, come and join me at La Fabrique des Embellies in Annecy, France, Tuesdays 12:15-13:15.
