Feeling too Full?

Of food, emotions, relatives, guests, everything?

I do! And I’m doing a few simple things that you can play with, too…


Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep, and know that according to Ayurvedia (Traditional Indian Medicine) we need more sleep in the winter.


We tend to go outside less when it’s cold and that can mean we’re less active than usual. If you don’t want to go out, get active indoors. Put on some great music and dance, do some yoga or body weight fitness (push-ups, lunges, etc ). Getting your energy flowing will help you flush out anything you don’t need.

Eat healthy.

Or, if like me you’re really feeling too full of everything, do a 1 day water fast (add lemon if you like). Fast with the intention of cleaning on every level and see what happens. (I’m feeling better already at 2pm, drinking lots of water, and letting things go!)