How Friends Help You Grow

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Lately, I’ve been noticing how helpful it is to be traveling this path of self-development with other people!

Practice In A Group

Today, I had a powerful practice with another person. It’s the kind of practice I do daily, and I had forgotten how powerful it is to practice together… When we’re moving in the same direction together, magic happens. Synergy is a real thing… one plus one is four. :)

This is why going to yoga classes, Tai Chi and mindfulness classes is so inspiring. Time and time again participants comment on how much deeper their practice is in class. It’s supportive. It’s inspiring. It keeps us going and reminds us why we practice at home.

Have A Journey Mate or Two

Also, having a trusted friend or two to share your more intimate things with can be invaluable! Yesterday, a friend and I did some reality checking together… Neither of us was being as clear with ourselves as we could be, and our friendship is such that we both felt ok to point that out to the other. “I think you’re asking way too much of yourself here.” or “I think you’re listening to your inner critic and not your deeper knowing.”

If you don’t have such a friend in your life, reflect if any of your friends would like to create that kind of relationship with you. Or open yourself up to that kind of friendship by becoming that kind of friend, first to yourself, and see who comes along.

We Thrive Together

If our external environment is a reflection of our internal state, we need all of the help we can get! I feel like the mess we’ve created on this planet requires us to clean ourselves up internally… At least enough that we can continue to live here.

If we work together, helping each other on our individual paths, I know we’ll get where (ever) we’re going faster.

May we all thrive together!
