Time to go In?

There are many different wisdom traditions that talk about winter and the New Year. Some honor the changing of the sun and the bringing of light with the Winter Solstice, some are more focused on starting new things and resolutions for the (Gregorian Solar) New Year, while (Indian) Ayurveda says winter is a good time to look inside…

According to Ayurveda, winter is a time of going back to the foundation, back to the roots and the trunk and the bare branches. Of noticing what is here, what is supportive and what is weighting us down.

It’s a time to get quiet and notice what you’ve cultivated over the past year… What of that do you want to keep and nourish?
What of that do you want to prune away?

So if you’re “in,” grab your practice, a cup of warm tea and open into your roots.

Happy Rooting and Branching,