Time to go In?

There are many different wisdom traditions that talk about winter and the New Year. Some honor the changing of the sun and the bringing of light with the Winter Solstice, some are more focused on starting new things and resolutions for the (Gregorian Solar) New Year, while (Indian) Ayurveda says winter is a good time to look inside…

According to Ayurveda, winter is a time of going back to the foundation, back to the roots and the trunk and the bare branches. Of noticing what is here, what is supportive and what is weighting us down.

It’s a time to get quiet and notice what you’ve cultivated over the past year… What of that do you want to keep and nourish?
What of that do you want to prune away?

So if you’re “in,” grab your practice, a cup of warm tea and open into your roots.

Happy Rooting and Branching,

What I Do in Crisis (5): Align & Relax

(Video: 4:40min) This is a very quick, body based practice that I do when I’m super stressed and want to regain equilibrium.

This is part of a much deeper practice that I learned from Will Johnson’s wonderful book, Aligned, Relaxed & Resilient. This version is simple enough to do in crisis.

First, inhale and let the breath softly lift your body up straight and tall. Second, exhale and let the body melt and relax into this gently upright position. Let the body slowly align itself, gently lifting and relaxing with each breath.

This is a great meditation practice to do at any time, and works best during crisis if you teach yourself how to do it first when you’re not stressed… Then in crisis you already know how it works and it’s just a simple matter of doing it.


Runners: Mindfulness on Foot!

Want to take mindfulness on your next run, walk or hike?

Here are a few tips for how to take mindfulness on the go!

I’ve used these practices on the uber crowded streets of Causeway Bay, the trails of Sai Kung country park, and the kilometers of the Hong Kong Standard Chartered Marathon… take them where ever you go!

