The Usefulness & Release of Denial

Denial is a natural, healthy part of human life. When a situation is overwhelming, our brain represses part of the experience for processing later. We do this so we can be functional at the moment.

This is how we can walk away from the burning car on a broken leg. Shock numbs us and we can perform in the moment, save ourselves & others… And not feel the agony of our broken leg until afterwards.

Mental and emotional pain are similar. We repress part of the information in the moment for processing later… when we’re safe.

When you are in a safe place, you can sit and be present with your pains.

Several things will happen. First, as you allow them to surface, the energy you were using to to hold them in place will be released. Your body and mind will relax the tension needed to hold them in.

Second, you will begin to experience them. They may seem HUGE as you let them come up. Or they may go numb. Or or or. Many things can happen. Stay present and notice what is happening. Be curious. Let the process take its own time and trust the wisdom of your system, of your Being. Stay present, aware, mindful.

Third, they will begin to release on their own. As you stop holding them in, they are free to go. The processing will take its own time, and they will dissipate naturally.

If you feel overwhelmed, get help. This may be too big for you to handle on your own in a healthy way. Lot’s of people can help.

Fourth, as it all completes, you will feel lighter. You will have freed yourself of needing to hold onto pain. Yay! Enjoy!

Broken to Joy: Mind Games

(video) Sometimes we’ve just got to go for it and let our heart speak.
Here is my heart speaking to yours about a topic we all love: how we’re becoming better people through spirituality, through working with our lovely minds… And how that gets in our way sometimes.
This is the second video where I challenged myself to let my heart speak with out mental preparation and to drop back into heart whenever I noticed my mind talking… the mind to heart pauses can be annoying if you want a fast pace!
You are welcome, for your own sanity, to use the pauses to sink deeper into your own heart.
I’d love to know how this experiment goes for you!

Broken to Joy: Moving from Head to Heart?

(video) This video was a personal challenge… to be in my heart!

First, to speak from the heart with no preparation other than to have the intention to talk about something useful that we can all relate to. Second, whenever I start talking from my mind to pause… and drop back into heart space.

So, the pauses in this video are just that: me moving from head to heart. This is the first time I’ve done this on video so it is a slow process…
This could be annoying to watch!

Maybe if you take the challenge yourself, and every time I get quiet you drop as deeply into yourself as you can, then it might be as fun to watch as it was to make! Who knows?!

It would be really cool to hear how this experiment went for you!


Broken to Joy: How to Recognize Resistance & Make Friends With It

(video) Resistance can be tricky to recognize… if it is working properly it is designed to distract you from the pain underneath it. How can you recognize resistance and how can you deal with it once you do? This video shows you one way that I’ve found works well.

What’s your experience with resistance and making friends with it?


Broken to Joy: How to Let Go, Part 2

(video) Once we’re ready to quit the cycle of denial and reliving our pain, we can acknowledge it and let it go… Oh happy day!
Here’s one technique that I use with clients for acknowledging pain – without denying or reliving.

What’s your experience?


Broken to Joy: How to Let Go, Part 1

(video) We tend to do a mixture of two things when we’re faced with something that we don’t like: we deny it and we relive it in our heads over and over. Neither of these are terribly helpful for letting go of the pain.

What’s your experience with these things?
